Sometimes, it happens that the color of a leather bag might transfer. The degree to which this happens depends on various factors like the type of leather and weather conditions.
For the leather bags from The Chesterfield Brand, this applies more often to bags made from Wax Pull Up and Washed Waxed leather compared to other types of leather. This is due to the wax layer present in the pores of the leather. Especially in combination with warm weather and perspiration, the likelihood of color transfer increases.
Color transfer can be prevented by applying The Chesterfield Brand Protection Spray to the bag. This spray has been developed in collaboration with the manufacturer to achieve the best possible results for our products.
1. We recommend using our protection spray before using your bag for the first time.
2. Shake well before use and make sure the bag is dry and dirt-free.
3. Spray from about 20 centimetres.
4. Use an old towel/cloth or gloves and rub the spray into the bag.
5. Let the bag dry for 3 hours.